
3 Unknown Facts About Tough Toddlers For Parents

Parenting a tough toddler is an tedious task. Going through tantrums, cries, and disobedience is a very annoying especially in front of everyone. The parents are exhausted, tired because everyday is a new challenge. Deep down the heart you are just holding onto the positive side of life every passing day. Badly in want of a day free from your toddler’s scream, advice from all, and on-lookers stare.

But I would like to share some interesting facts you should know to deal with the above mentioned scenario. And, my friend, there are three things that you must absolutely, without a doubt, know about parenting a strong-willed toddler.

1. You Are Raising A Natural Born Leader.

Raising or parenting a leader need extraordinary patience, understanding and guidance all along the way. They are the leaders, business owners and game changers of future generation. They have an entire circus of thoughts dancing in their minds all heated up and fully clueless to cool this heat. Yes it’s super tiring and exhausting, but finally your are building the foundation to bring out the leader and put to good use one fine day.

2. You Don’t Have To Apologize

A common mistake made by mom’s to apologize for their kids tantrums. STOP IT! Unless and otherwise you kids has not harmed the opposite person in any way, you don’t have to apologize to anyone whatsoever.

It’s difficult to withstand their screams, tantrums, behavior, unending questions, stares of on-lookers, advice form all. If someone else’s shopping experience is spoiled because of your kid crying for a toy, DON’T APOLOGIZE. It’s their issue and not your problem. Trust me the best MOMS are MOMS with crying kids.

It’s not an easy ob, there will be tears. BUT, CARRY ON MAMA!

3. Strong-willed Kids Are Super Hero’s

When you’re in the elevator and your kids are on the floor crying and you think you’ve failed, remember this: defiant kids are actually the best thing ever.

Your child is the one who will turn down the little blue pill at a high school party. Your child is the one who will stop a friend from drinking and driving. Your child is the one who will start a small business and grow it into a billion-dollar company.

Your strong-willed toddler is filled with greatness. You just have to find it, draw it out, and allow it to shine.

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